Fix some bug of driver restoration in Windows 98/Me
Fix some minor bug
What's New in Driver Magician V1.31
Fix some bug in driver restoration function
Fix interface error
What's New in Driver Magician V1.3
Rewrite the code of driver restoration function in Windows 2000 and Windows XP, improve the stability of driver restoration greatly. Add directory memory in driver restoration function. Change backup and restoration of fonts to desktop. Fix some minor bugs.
What's New in Driver Magician V1.21
Name changed to Driver Magician. Add backup and restoration function of Outlook Express mail file folder, Outlook Express mail rule, Outlook Express mail accounts and Outlook Express address book. Fix the bug of dead circle while the device installation file doesn't exit. Fix the bug of directory error in some special path. Fixed some minor bugs.
What's New in Driver Magician V1.2
Change software interface greatly for easy use. Add driver restoration function. Add backup and restoration of my document folder, fonts folder, registry and Internet Explorer favorite folder. Fix some minor bugs.
Reporting Problems and Suggestions
Problem reports should include:
- System Configuration (CPU, RAM, OS)
- Detailed problem description (include exact error message text)
- How to reproduce problem
Installation Prerequisites
* PC-compatible Intel 486 system or above
* Microsoft Windows 2003
* Microsoft Windows XP
* Microsoft Windows 2000
* Microsoft Windows Me
* Microsoft Windows 98
* RAM: 32 MB minimum
* Disk: 3 MB for full installation
To install Driver Magician from downloaded. Double-click the Setup program, it will be start.The Setup program will issue a number of prompts. Unless you have a reason to override the defaults it is strongly recommended that you accept the installation default settings (just press OK, Yes, or Next, as appropriate).
Removing an Installation
There are two ways to uninstall Driver Magician should you wish to do so.
Control Panel
Activate the Control Panel, double click Add/Remove Programs, and double click the Driver Magician list box entry.
Start Menu
From the Start menu, click Programs, then Driver Magician, and then Uninstall Driver Magician.
To remove this product, select Settings from the Windows Start menu.
Select Control Panel, then run Add/Remove Programs. Files that were
created after installation will not be removed automatically.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ about use of Driver Magician
1. What's the difference between between "Search All Drivers" and "Search Non-Microsoft drivers" submenu in driver backup function window?
We all know that every Windows operation system is distributed with a lot of device driver packaged in it. So The difference between "Search All Drivers" and "Search Non-Microsoft drivers" is that the former one search all device drivers including those packaged within Microsoft Windows operation system while the latter one only search drivers not contained in Windows. Because devices drivers which are contained in Windows operation system are automatically installed when detected by it, so it is NOT necessary to back up them. To let you distinguish Microsoft provided drivers and Non-Microsoft provided drivers easily, the latter one shows in red font in Driver Magician.
2. What's the difference between between "Show All Backed-Up Drivers" and "Show Backed-Up Non-Microsoft drivers" submenu in driver restoration function window?
This question is the same as question one. The difference is that is that the former one shows all device drivers in the backup directory including those packaged within Microsoft Windows operation system while the latter one only show drivers not contained in Windows.
3. Driver version of some device drivers is blank, why?
Because installation files of these drivers doesn't include the driver version, so Driver Magician can't extract it. This often happens in Windows 98 and Windows Me.
4. During the driver restoration process, why does my computer seem to be no responses?
Device driver is in the lower layer of operation system, so during driver installation, settings of Windows operation system change according to the driver installed, this caused system to be no responses.
5. After Driver Magician runs, I find there is no driver in the listview, what happens?
Driver Magician goes directly to driver backup function window after it runs and all the Non-Microsoft drivers will show in the listview. If all the device drivers of your computer are provided by Microsoft, the listview is blank. This usually happens after you reinstall operation system just now. To show all the device driver in your computer, please click the "Search All Drivers" submenu of backup button in the toolbar.
6. I have backed up drivers of Windows 98 operation system, can I use it in Windows 2000 or Windows XP?
Some device drivers can be used in all Windows operation systems, but there are lots of device drivers which can only be use in certain operation systems, so if you are not certain please don't try to use drivers of one operation system in others.
7. When I restore device drivers of my computer using Driver Magician, Windows prompts me to insert driver disk, what happens?
You don't need to insert driver disk, please just click the OK button in the prompt dialog, if the dialog appears again, just click the Ignore button. But when it prompt you to insert Windows CD-ROM, you should insert it. If you find your audio card is mute after driver restoration, please reboot your machine again and it will be OK. This happens only in Windows 98/Me operation system. Since they are old in all of Microsoft Windows, something is special.
FAQ about registration of Driver Magician
1. Is my online order form secure?
Yes, it is 100% secure.
2. Do I have to pay for the upgrades?
No! All upgrades are free to registered Driver Magician users.
3. Is tech support free?
Yes, it's free for all.
4. I have entered the registration code, however the software reminds it's unregistered, why?
Perhaps you have entered a wrong registration code or name. Please check your name and registration code carefully and make sure they are exactly the same as you received from the author or an authorized reseller.
If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me at